
halo. everyone out there! (x lols. 1J blog ish as good as dead. i admit. haha. so everybody at least gif a tagg & try to post. hais. i tink nobody cares about oneJUSTICE' o6 now. maybe some ppl will tink, osho dun have dis class le, why waste tym posting & having all those blog stuffs now? osho, some ppl may lyke their present class more than 1J'o6, so no point havin a blog. but we're havin' dis 1J'o6 blogg ish for to keep 1J'o6 in our memories, as there ish no 1J anymore. but if u dun lyk 1J'o6, oso no point for u to keep 1J'o6 in ur memory. if anyone of u dun wanna remember 1J'o6 , u all can just forget about all the fun & laughter we had together. to u, it's just a past thing,a year u once been thru. but to me, 1J'o6 is a memory, a place where i keep all my smiles & laughters. maybe it sounds real silly,but it's the fact to me. so, i will just keep 1J'o6 in a place in my heart,my mermory. but i will neva forget dis part of my memory.

at the top of the world.
8:58:00 PM


oneJUSTICE' o6
NOISESTclass' o6

members / exit;

{linXIAOHUI*} {ngiamzhiyanTIFFANY*}

our memories;

10.2006 11.2006 01.2007 04.2007 05.2007


sing along;